While headsets won’t be the foremost exciting piece of hardware to buy for, having the ability to accurately hear wherever guns shots of your opponents square measure coming back from is priceless in shooters like fashionable Warfare and Counter Strike. With those gamers in mind, accessories manufacturer Plantronics has discharged the GameCom seven 7.1 surround receiver for the laptop and mack.

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tho’ it’s marketed as a seven.1 headset, in truth, it is a easy stereo affair, with the surround magic happening in associate degree enclosed USB electronic device. will mere trickery replicate the feel of a real 7.1 system? We’ve been giving the receiver a totally smart ears-on to find out.

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The GameCom 777 is packaged in an exceedingly astonishingly ostentatious box, that forgoes several of the tacky graphics typically seen on peripherals geared toward gamers. conjointly pleasing is that the lack of blister packaging that makers like Sony typically use, creating the receiver straightforward to access while not having to hack at it with a try of scissors.

within you will find the receiver itself, a USB electronic device, and a quick-start guide. What you will not notice could be a package disk, as fortunately the USB electronic device uses normal plug and play drivers on each the laptop and mack.

On initial impressions of the receiver is spectacular. tho’ it isn’t the foremost trendy of units, the chunky construction and soft textile artifact round the earpieces and band provides it a top quality feel.

One nice bit is that the retractile microphone, that folds away discreetly into the headscarf for once you are simply being attentive to music or uninterested in endless smack-talk. conjointly deserve note is that the cabling, that is reassuringly thick, and with a six.5-foot length, it’s long enough for a spot recently night picture show observation too.

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Near the highest of the cable is associate degree in-line volume management and electro-acoustic transducer mute switch. just like the receiver, it’s fittingly chunky, and therefore the massive rotary management is straightforward to use within the middle of a firefight.

The cable terminates into 2 commonplace two.5-mm jacks; one for the electro-acoustic transducer and one for the headphones. this permits you to use the receiver with any device with a phone jack, so you are not forced to use the USB surround electronic device.

The electronic device itself is incredibly little and lightweight, thus you will have no issues feat it supporting from USB socket. There square measure 2 two.5-mm jacks on the lowest for golf shot up the receiver and a slippery activate the aspect. This activates the Dolby surround impact and lights up a skinny blue crystal rectifier strip within the centre of the electronic device.

Putting on the headset, we tend to were affected with however cozy it absolutely was. The earpieces cowl the ears utterly instead of rest on prime of them, which, once combined with their thick artifact and covering, meant we tend to had no bother sporting them for extended periods of your time.

The earpieces conjointly feature associate degree open back style, that is meant to convey audio a a lot of natural feel. However, this will have the disadvantage of unseaworthy some audio to the skin world, thus these are not an excellent alternative if you hear your audio notably loud and have irritable spouses or coworkers.

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To test the receiver, we tend to came upon variety of sources, as well as music, DVDs, and after all games. Before we tend to jumped into any surround-sound craziness, we tend to confirmed however the headset handled a typical stereo supply, and happily, we tend to found the Plantronics measured pretty smart. they are not the foremost correct cans out there,

However they avoid the exaggerated bass and low mids that square measure common on several headphones, that muddy the sound. there is lots of bass on supply, however it’s controlled, permitting the higher mids and treble to ring clearly. Music measured nicely balanced, with a transparent separation between the instruments, that means we tend to might merrily to concentrate to an album or 2 on them without any issues.

Switching to DVDs, we tend to tried out the surround feature on the electronic device. It works by implementing Dolby pro Logic IIx technology, which may take any stereo or existing five.1 sources and up convert them to seven.1.

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However, because the electronic device solely outputs to the stereo receiver, the impact could be a very little hit and miss. it isn’t a real surround expertise by any suggests that, however it will widen the sound stage, creating sound effects like bullet shots and explosions sound like they are happening within the distance.

It works with some films higher than others, though. for instance, action films with plenty of explosions very like it, whereas quieter dialogue-heavy films are literally a bit tougher to observe. often as a result of the surround impact conjointly widens the sound stage of dialogue, losing detail and creating it tougher to listen to.

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Though the surround impact typically works well in films, games square measure a special story. The loss of detail with the impact enabled could be a real hindrance, and unless you actually crank the amount, footsteps and bullets square measure more durable to trace.

there’s a placing distinction once turning the result off; dialogue is simpler to listen to and explosions and bullet hearth square measure far more direct. With surround being simply a bearing, very little is lost in terms of positioning, as audio seldom appears like it’s coming back from behind anyway.

The microphone fares far better, with fellow players coverage that we tend to measured clear once speaking. The shorter length of the mic is additionally a and, because it seldom gets within the manner of your actions throughout a heated game.

As a stereo receiver, the Plantronics GameCom 7 7.1 Surround receiver is incredibly smart. The solid construction, comfort, and well-implemented mic and volume controls are wonderful, and therefore the audio quality may be a cut on top of the norm.

Sadly, the surround impact is simply as we tend to feared–merely a bearing. It will create some movies sound nice, however the manner it diminishes the detail from audio sources suggests that it isn’t forever wise use it once taking part in games.

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Thankfully, change it off is as straightforward as slippery a switch, thus a minimum of you’ve got the choice if it’s busy with your gambling. At £79.99, the Plantronics is fairly smart price, too, notably compared with rivals,

like Logitech G35, that uses similar technology and retails at concerning £100. If you come in knowing that the seven.1 surround is simply a bearing, then the Plantronics could be a smart choice; simply do not expect to be re-creating a full-blown seven.1 expertise on your head.